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Try These Home Pain Remedies


Man with knee pain trying home pain remedies | Spine & Sport Physical Therapy | San Diego, Irvine, Sacramento, CAWith the ongoing pandemic, many healthcare services have been limited. For patients enduring pain, this time may be challenging. Not to mention, there may be added stress due to lifestyle changes with staying at home. This added stress could be amplifying your pain.

5 home pain remedies

1. Use heat or ice, two standard home pain remedies

Using a modality like heat or ice can be very helpful at home pain remedies to decrease pain. In deciding whether to use heat or ice, consider the type of pain you have. Muscle soreness and inflammation tend to feel better with ice, however muscles or joints that feel stiff tend to feel better with heat. Use for 20 minutes on the area where your pain is, up to 3 times a day.

2. Practice diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing, along with other relaxation techniques, can have a positive effect on decreasing your pain. For the best practice, begin lying on your back with your knees bent in a comfortable position. Place both hands on your stomach. As you breathe in, try to fill the bottom of your lungs so that you feel your stomach rise, and as you breathe out, feel your stomach lower. Perform at a comfortable pace and make sure you are not holding your breath. You can research other relaxation techniques to help with stress relief also.

3. Stretch

Whether it be yoga or just general stretching, try to stay loose. Most of us are spending more time sitting during this quarantine and would benefit from general stretching. Make sure to stretch key muscles like the hamstrings, hip flexors, calf, neck and low back.

4. Get moving – a simple home pain remedy

Go for a walk, jog or ride a bike. You could also search for online workout videos. Any form of cardio helps to release endorphins and take your mind off the pain.

5. Limit inflammatory food intake

Diet changes can make a difference and are one of the  best ongoing home pain remedies. Certain inflammatory foods/drinks like gluten, dairy and alcohol could be keeping your pain around. Try eliminating a food and recording your pain symptoms for one week to see if there are any notable changes.

6. See a physical therapist via telehealth

Many physical therapy clinics, including ours, are performing telehealth. Your virtual visit can provide you with specific pain relief techniques.

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